About Us

About us

Naya is inspired by and named after my daughter, Suri Naya, who I adopted from Hyderabad, India.

My journey into Chakra therapies unfolded organically and began when I had my first treatment at 18 years old. I felt like I was walking on clouds - I was energised, alive and worry free.

This led me to explore complementary healing modalities over the years including mantras, energy exchange, visualisation and meditation, but I never put any of my learnings into practice until I decided to adopt my daughter.

The process of adoption as a single parent was a difficult and lonely experience. While I had the support of family and friends when I needed it the most, it was still a lonely journey filled with doubt and fear. I did not want to be anything less than perfect in my daughter’s eyes. I wanted to ensure that she was always surrounded by pure energy so daily meditation and chanting became an essential part of my life.

I had to undergo mountains of paperwork, numerous interviews, workshops, and psychological tests that left me feeling less than great about myself. Even my epilepsy – a condition I have had since I was a teenager - complicated things further. The social welfare department told me that there was a big chance I would be rejected as a single mother with a medical condition, but I continued the process with great faith.

This faith - and the energy that manifested from it - brought me my Suri Naya.

What We Do

I am a certified Chakra Therapist (Yoga Alliance International) and Chakracology Therapist & Healing Professional (National Association of Holistic Wellness).

At Naya we focus on integrating Chakra therapy and other holistic practices into your everyday life. These are designed to balance and unblock your chakras so that you can begin your own journey towards healing, positive thinking and self-awareness. By drawing from a range of Chakra healing modalities, we can help restore your energies and improve your overall health and wellbeing.

We understand that everyone’s experience is different which is why we have created the Naya Community, a network of complementary healing practitioners and experts who share the same belief that everyone has the power to evolve and live life with abundant energy. We often work together to create a customised plan for each client so that they can achieve their fullest potential.